Watch D.O.G.S. (dads of great students) is an organization created to allow dads to volunteer on campus during the school day to serve the students in the classroom, at specials, recess, and lunch. While volunteering, dad’s can be a positive male role model for the students demonstrating by their very presence that education is important and be an extra set of eyes and ears to enhance school security and reduce bullying. In addition, it improves and builds upon the relationship between the community and the school. Saigling students absolutely LOVE when there is a watch D.O.G.S. dad on campus!! 


A sign up will be included in the weekly Smore newsletter.


To volunteer with watch D.O.G.S., first you MUST complete a PISD volunteer background check. To do this, click HERE


Watch Dogs shirts can be ordered here:





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Breakfast & Lunch Menus Available 



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Birthday Treats for the Class