Spring Picture Day is April 1st 


Pictures will be taken on Tuesday, April 1.


To Order Pictures Online CLICK HERE.




April 1st is also Spirt Day at Jersey Mike's on Independence


Orders must be in person





2024-2025 Lunch Schedule 

 Stay Connected with the QR codes below

 Congratulations to the Saigling Elementary PTA Board! 


2024-2025 PTA Board


President: Jackie Justice  saiglingpresident@gmail.com 

Vice President:  Eleanor Graham

2nd VP of Programs:  Kiera Caldwell

3rd VP of Membership:  Chelsea Hansen

4th VP of Ways & Means:  Chloe Allday

5th VP of Volunteers:  Ashley Harper

6th VP of Communications/Webmaster: Crystal Lippert

Secretary:  Jennifer Pantelo

Treasurer:  Mark Clary  saiglingptatreasurer@gmail.com 

Parliamentarian: Jessica Bailey 

Historian:  Amelia Leicht 

Council Delegate:  Amanda Christensen

Dad's Crew: Bryan Etzel 

Hospitality:  Melissa Adams

Board Member at large, Programs: 

Board Member at large, Ways & Means:  

 Saigling Elementary has achieved the

2023-2024 Voice for Every Child Platinum Award!




Texas PTA is proud to recognize the Saigling Elementary Community for achieving the Voice for Every Child Platinum Membership Award by having 414 members to represent and be a voice for all 331 students enrolled at your school!


This is THE most prestigious Membership Award offered to Local PTAs and you are one of only 69 PTAs across the state that have earned the honor!


THANK YOU to the volunteers for working so hard and THANK YOU to the community for coming together to make every child’s potential a reality in the Saigling Elementary community and across the state of Texas! 


The Saigling Elementary PTA has earned the

DEI Impact Award Badge for 2024




Saigling Elementary PTA earned this designation for our 2-day immersive

Disability Awareness Day called "Celebrate Me"  


The Texas PTA DEI Impact Award recognizes PTAs that best demonstrate outstanding achievement in the areas of diversity and inclusion as defined in the Texas PTA DEI Policy.


In 2022-23, students participated in activities that mimicked having a disability, including using crutches or a wheelchair, reading with vision altering glasses, learning ASL and making a craft, trying to listen to a story in a noisy and visually distracting tent, ordering a sandwich without using words, packing a backpack with snow mittens on, and decoding garbled messages. 

 Congratulations, Saigling Elementary PTA!


   Saigling Elementary PTA has met all the requirements to earn Good Standing status for     2023-2024 as part of the Local PTA Standards of Continuing Affiliation. 


 Congratulations, again, for a job well done. Thank you for all your PTA does each and every day to make every child’s potential a reality.  



                                            Jennifer Easley, Texas PTA President  




Do you want to volunteer at Saigling this year?
Start the volunteer approval process or access your volunteer account
by clicking on the link below.



 Tom Thumb will donate 1% of all your purchases to Saigling PTA just by

linking your Tom Thumb card.  


Email good.neighbor@tomthumb.com


Provide your Name, Cell phone(s), and Saigling's Charity Number


Saigling's Tom Thumb Charity Number is 3054





 Kroger will donate a percentage of your purchases to Saigling PTA. All you have to do is click HERE, log in with your Kroger plus card account and enroll Saigling as your community rewards. It's that simple!




Saigling's Community Reward Number is 83871




Have you just cleaned out the closets in your home and now have bags used clothing and shoes?


Visit the teacher parking lot at Saigling Elementary and drop off your bags in the blue donation bin and World Wear will donate money to Saigling PTA based on the weight of our donation. 



Renew Here








View PTA Calendar 








Breakfast & Lunch Menus Available 



Order Spirit Wear 


 Click below to Join our Amazing PTA 



Birthday Treats for the Class